Saturday, May 23, 2020

Gender Differences in Communication Essay - 747 Words

Gender Differences in Communication Every race, culture, civilization, and society on this planet shares two things in common: the presence of both the male and female sex, and the need to communicate between the two. The subject of gender differences appears to have engaged peoples’ curiosity for as long as people have been writing down their thoughts, from as far back as the writing of the creation of Adam and Eve, to its current popular expression in books such as Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. The assertion that men and women communicate in different ways, about different things, and for different reasons seems to go un-argued and is accepted as true by a vast majority of Americans. It is the reason why we†¦show more content†¦She studied ethnic groups, which speak the same language using different styles, and found that the effect of gender on communication is miniscule compared to the effect of culture and socialization. In her research, Tannen asserts that the basic uses of conversa tion by women are to establish and support intimacy; while for men it is to acquire status. These styles and motives for communicating represent different cultural upbringings, and one is not necessarily better than the other. However, she also notes in her findings that men tend to interrupt more and ask questions less. In fact, the female tendency to ask more questions sometimes results in receiving lower grades from male professors who view frequent questioning as proof that a student knows less than her male counter parts. The theory that differences are fabricated early in a child’s life and are not biological doesn’t account for everything. David Cohen, in his article regarding Tannen’s findings points out a mystery in the connections she made. Since women are primarily responsible for child-rearing and therefore disproportionately responsible for teaching the species to speak, when is it that boys learn to speak in the male style? From a very early age , males and females are taught different linguistic practices. For example, communicative behaviors that are considered acceptable for boys may be considered completely inappropriate for girls.Show MoreRelatedDifferences in Gender Communication2246 Words   |  9 Pagesand analyze the differences that exist between men and women and the manner in which they communicate. Not only do these pieces of literature fall into different categories and specialties, they also deliver varied opinions and results as to what causes the differences discussed. By becoming familiar with the many aspects of gender communication differences, the responsible worker or manager can synthesize those findings into a methodology that enhances work place communication. The literatureRead MoreDifferences in Gender Communication2230 Words   |  9 Pagesand analyze the differences that exist between men and women and the manner in which they communicate. Not only do these pieces of literature fall into different categories and specialties, they also deliver varied opinions and results as to what causes the differences discussed. By becoming familiar with the many aspects of gender communication differences, the responsible worker or manager can synthesize those findings into a methodology that enhances work place communication. The literatureRead MoreDifferences Between Genders And Communication Essay1613 Words   |  7 Pages When you think of gender differences you probably automatically consider anatomical and biological differences. Perhaps you contemplate about differences in appearance or maybe occupation. Gender differences are relevant in politics, the workplace, domestic commitments, etc. One large gender difference that appears to be prevalent is that of communication. I believe that gender communication holds many advantages and disadvantages within discussions as well as in distinctive settings. When lookingRead MoreGender Differences Of Emotion And Communication Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesGender Differences in Emotion and Communication By Nina Bingham | Submitted On April 11, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious 1 Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Nina Bingham Society expects women to be more emotionallyRead MoreGender Differences And Communication Technology877 Words   |  4 PagesRappleyea, Damon L., Alan C. Taylor, and Xiangming Fang. Gender Differences and Communication Technology Use Among Emerging Adults in the Initiation of Dating Relationships. Marriage Family Review 50.3 (2014): 269-84. Print. The authors study shows how technology has impacted the way young adults engage each other at the start of a relationship. They analyzed how dating has changed from previous generations with the emergence of communication technologies. Their findings show that males and femalesRead MoreGender Differences In Communication Are A Set Of Rules1298 Words   |  6 PagesGender differences in communication are a set of rules based off what society perceives as accurate for a male or female in situations. This literature review investigates gender differences in communication, particularly differences in conversational style, body politics and attractiveness, work and education, in relation to learning the roles of gender. Results of the literature review suggest that gender differences exist in various ways. Communication for females indicate women are indirect andRead MoreGender Differences in Communication In The Workplace Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pagesservices department of a major co mpany in my country Botswana. The company , Botswana power corporation is the sole producer and distributor of electricity in Botswana. As a company with branches all over the country it is easy to understand why communication would be crucial to the day to day operations of this company as a whole. For the sake of clarity however I’m going to limit the focus of this paper to the Information servives departmentin which I worked. My internship position was at the companiesRead MoreDifferences in the Communication Style of Both Genders2056 Words   |  9 PagesDifferences in communication style between men and women are visible physically, mentally and behaviorally. These two genders are different at the way how they act, sense, think and speak. Furthermore, one of the major dissimilarity between the sexes is the way they communicate. Therefore, the major common of dissimilarity in communication affects both sexes in every perspective. Men always seem to have conflict when they asked for help but this circumstance could not really be understood by mostRead More Observing Gender Communication Differences Essay530 Words   |  3 Pagesbe trying hard to conceal it. Often women seem to be more noticeably shy than men. Non-verbally, their â€Å"body language; seems to communicate their feelings of great uncertainty and self-consciousness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Further evidence of communicative differences exist between men and women in various other social settings as well. Consider, for example, those individuals employed in customer service-related Jobs. While in JC Penny, I noticed that female customer service representatives were more apt toRead MoreGender Differences Of Managerial Communications : Fact Or Folk Linguistics?1991 Words   |  8 Pages â€Å"Gender Differences in Managerial Communications: Fact or Folk-Linguistics?† A response to Smeltzer and J. Werbel’s study â€Å"Gender Differences in Managerial Communications: Fact or Folk-Linguistics?† Devin Lowe MGMT 647: Organizational Behavior and Development â€Æ' Article Summary â€Å"Gender Differences in Managerial Communication: Fact or Folk-Linguistics† seeks to test the qualitative and stylistic differences that have been purported to exist between genders. The authors question the credibility

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle - 847 Words

1. Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carie a. Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carie use to be read to me every night at my grandmas before I would go to bed. This is the first book I remember ever. This book began my life to being a literate person. This book also made me wish I had a very tall ladder so my dad could get me the moon. 2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle a. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle was a book my teacher would read aloud in elementary school. After my teacher read it aloud I had to have it for myself, I told my mom about the hungry caterpillar. Within a week my mom picked it up from a bookstore for her to read me daily. I loved this book and was so amazed on how much the caterpillar could eat. My favorite part was transformation to a butterfly. 3. A bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon a. A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon was an important mile stone in me growing to love books more and more. I went to a book reading at the Norman library in Oklahoma. This book made me intrigued in reading other books. 4. Amber Goes Fourth by Paula Danziger a. Amber Goes Fourth by Paula Danziger has the biggest effect on me developing into the literate person I am today because this is the book that I constantly fought with my grandma about reading. I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the 1st grade and put into remedial classes to help overcome my dyslexia. In first grade I didn’t understand what this meant but in gradesShow MoreRelatedLesson Plan Using The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Essay606 Words   |  3 PagesBook: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Grade: Kindergarten Objective: After the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle has been read multiple times to the students over multiple days (3 days), students will be able to identify key events and details of the story and they will be able to retell the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Common Core Standard: RI2: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. Assessment: The students willRead MoreThe Best Traits and Limitations of Eric Carle Essay1830 Words   |  8 Pagescurrently featuring and selling four of award winning children’s author and illustrator Eric Carle’s books and plush animals in support of their program Kohl’s Cares, which gives 100 percent of their profit to support health and education initiatives in communities all over the nation. The books The Mixed-Up Chameleon, The Hungry Caterpillar, The Foolish Tortoise, and The Grouchy Ladybug, and plush chameleons, caterpillars, tortoises, and ladybugs can be purchased separately for five dollars each (â€Å"Kohl’sRead MoreLife Cycle Of Butterflies : New Jersey Common Core Standards718 Words   |  3 PagesKindergarten Unit Lesson Plan Introduction: My kindergarten learners are very diverse. It is comprised of twenty-one 5 and 6 year old students. There are 11 boys and 10 girls. In my class, there are children with ADHD, severe learning disabilities, multiple ESL learners, Cerebral Palsy, Severe Behavior, and other assortment of needs. Unit Summary: This lesson unit focuses on the life cycle of butterflies. Students will learn about the growth cycle of a butterfly and what the stages are by nameRead MoreDr. Seuss Ingenious Rhyming Scheme923 Words   |  4 PagesHouse, Inc., 1985. Print. As always, Dr. Seuss’ ingenious rhyming scheme is creative as well as humorous. Kids will enjoy the absurdity of the characters while learning about rhymes. The book also teaches that inviting strangers into one’s house is a very bad idea. It teaches this lesson firmly without introducing topics that may scare young children. Overall, this book is a masterpiece and will continue to be popular for many years to come. 3. Silverstein, Shel. The Giving Tree. New York: HarperCollinsRead MoreJoyful Noise : Poems For Two Voices, Mayflies P. 15414 Words   |  22 Pagesencourages reading and the development of oral language. Writing poems provide techniques in writing, and enrich experiences across the curriculum. (Poetry) 2. Wake Up, It’s Spring! By Lisa Campbell Ernst (fiction) Scholastic Award 3. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, winner of the American Institute of Graphic Arts Award, Best Children’s Books of England citation, Nakamori Reader’s Prize, and several others. (Picture) B. Cross-Culture lesson LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE – 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION LessonRead MoreEssay about Lesson Plans and Curriculum1628 Words   |  7 PagesThe nutritional values of vegetables will be explored in Social Studies and Science as will the necessity of being able to read nutritional labels on food cartons. In the Media Center, the students will become familiar with Eric Carle and his story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This book will become the motivation for original stories to be written in Integrated Language Arts. During Math class the students will create forms on which to gather data about their own eating habits. Using this data, theRead MoreThe Infant And Toddler Is Very Important For Early Development1125 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: Reading to an infant and toddler is very important for early development. However, reading to an infant is different than reading to a young child. In terms of an infant, you frequently do not get through the entire book. An infant won’t be able to fully comprehend what is being read. Infants may want to hold the book and chew on it or try turning pages themselves. All of these actions are appropriate and help your child become well-known with books and how to handle them. ReadingRead MorePreschool Nutrition1444 Words   |  6 Pagesthe circle to have the children touch and smell each food and identify the correct food group for the item being passed. 5. Read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969). 6. After the completion of the story, the children were led in discussion to identify some of the food choices of the caterpillar and asked to yell out if the caterpillars food choices were healthy choices or sometime choices. 7. Distributed one item of food to each child and took turns going around the circleRead MoreI Took Over A Maternity Leave For A Classroom1899 Words   |  8 Pagesfocus on rainbows and how they form Week 4 Will focus on the various clouds For children s literature, the books It Looked Like Spilled Milk by Charles Shaw is about how spilled milk can look like varies clouds and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle which is about a caterpillar who eats fruits and later transforms into a butterfly. UNIT TITLE: Science Differentiated Curriculum Unit – Week 1 Overarching Question: How do plants grow and what are they composed of? Essential ideas: Identify partsRead MoreI Am Interested For Teaching Younger Elementary Students998 Words   |  4 Pagesapply the Drawing and Illustrating WTL activity in a K-1 classroom would involve learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar. First we would have a read aloud of a book such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and then we would have a lesson/ discussion as a class. During this discussion we would probably, as a group, recall the stages of the life cycle of the caterpillar and I would model step by step how I would want the sentences written so my students can hear my thought process aloud

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Biography of Writer and Philosopher John Ruskin

The prolific writings of John Ruskin (born February 8, 1819) changed what people thought about industrialization and ultimately influenced the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain and the American Craftsman style in the US. Rebelling against Classical styles, Ruskin reawakened interest in heavy, elaborate Gothic architecture during the Victorian era. By criticizing the social ills resulting from the Industrial Revolution and disdaining anything machine-made, Ruskins writings paved the way for a return to craftsmanship and all things natural. In the US, Ruskins writings influenced architecture from coast to coast. Biography John Ruskin was born into a prosperous family in London, England, spending part of his childhood in the natural beauty of the Lake District region in northwest Britain. The contrast of urban and rural lifestyles and values informed his beliefs about Art, especially in painting and craftsmanship. Ruskin favored the natural, the hand-crafted, and the traditional. Like many British gentlemen, he was educated at Oxford, earning a MA degree in 1843 from Christ Church College. Ruskin traveled to France and Italy, where he sketched the romantic beauty of medieval architecture and sculpture. His essays published in Architectural Magazine in the 1930s (today published as The Poetry of Architecture, examine the composition of both cottage and villa architecture in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland.   In 1849, Ruskin traveled to Venice, Italy and studied Venetian Gothic architecture and its influence by the Byzantine. The rise and fall of Christianitys spiritual forces as reflected through Venices changing architectural styles impressed the enthusiastic and passionate writer. In 1851 Ruskins observations were published in the three-volume series, The Stones of Venice, but it was his 1849 book The Seven Lamps of Architecture that Ruskin awakened an interest in medieval Gothic architecture throughout England and America. Victorian Gothic Revival styles flourished between 1840 and 1880. By 1869, Ruskin was teaching Fine Arts at Oxford. One of his chief interests was the construction of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (view image). Ruskin worked with the support of his old friend, Sir Henry Acland, then Regius Professor of Medicine, to bring his vision of Gothic beauty to this building. The museum remains one of the finest examples of Victorian Gothic Revival (or Neo-Gothic) style in Britain. Themes in the writings of John Ruskin were highly influential to works of other Brits, namely designer William Morris and architect Philip Webb, both considered pioneers of the Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain. To Morris and Webb, the return to Medieval Gothic architecture also meant a return to the guild model of craftsmanship, a tenet of the Arts and Crafts movement, which inspired the Craftsman cottage style home in America. Its said that the last decade of Ruskins life was difficult at best. Perhaps it was dementia or some other mental breakdown that disabled his thoughts, but he eventually retreated to his beloved Lake District, where he died January 20, 1900. Ruskins Influence on Art and Architecture Hes been called a weirdo and manic-depressive by British architect Hilary French, and a strange and unbalanced genius by Professor Talbot Hamlin. Yet his influence on art and architecture stays with us even today.  His workbook The Elements of Drawing remains a popular course of study. As one of the most important art critics of the Victorian era, Ruskin gained respectability by the Pre-Raphaelites, who rejected the classical approach to art and believed that paintings must be done from direct observation of nature. Through his writings, Ruskin promoted the Romantic painter J. M. W. Turner, rescuing Turner from obscurity. John Ruskin was a writer, critic, scientist, poet, artist, environmentalist, and philosopher. He rebelled against formal, classical art and architecture. Instead, he ushered in modernity by being a champion of the asymmetrical, rough architecture of medieval Europe. His passionate writings not only heralded Gothic Revival styles in Britain and America but also paved the way for the Arts Crafts Movement in Britain and the United States. Social critics like William Morris studied the writings of Ruskin and started a movement to oppose industrialization and reject the use of machine-made materials—in essence, rejecting the spoils of the Industrial Revolution.  American furniture-maker Gustav Stickley (1858-1942) brought the Movement to America in his own monthly magazine, The Craftsman, and in building his Craftsman Farms in New Jersey. Stickley turned the Arts and Crafts Movement into the Craftsman style.  American architect Frank Lloyd Wright turned it into his own Prairie Style. Two California brothers, Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene, turned it into the California Bungalow with Japanese overtones. The influence behind all of these American styles can be traced back to the writings of John Ruskin. In the Words of John Ruskin We have thus, altogether, three great branches of architectural virtue, and we require of any building,— That it act well, and do the things it was intended to do in the best way.That it speak well, and say the things it was intended to say in the best words.That it look well, and please us by its presence, whatever it has to do or say. (The Virtues of Architecture, Stones of Venice, Volume I) Architecture is to be regarded by us with the most serious thought. We may live without her, and worship without her, but we cannot remember without her. (The Lamp of Memory, The Seven Lamps of Architecture) Learn More John Ruskins books are in the public domain and, so, are often available for free online. Ruskins works have been studied so often throughout the years that many of his writings are still available in print. The Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849The Stones of Venice, 1851The Elements of Drawing, In Three Letters to Beginners, 1857Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts, Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life, 1885The Poetry of Architecture, essays from Architectural Magazine, 1837-1838John Ruskin: The Later Years by Tim Hilton, Yale University Press, 2000 Sources Architecture: A Crash Course by Hilary French, Watson-Guptill, 1998, p. 63.Architecture through the Ages by Talbot Hamlin, Putnam, Revised 1953, p. 586.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wuthering Heights- Is Heathcliff a man or a devil Essay

Wuthering Heights- Is Heathcliff a man or a devil? Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Brontà « and was first published in 1847, it was written during the romantic period, it is a story of love, lust and sorrow all held together by extreme passion, love and hate. One of the main characters in the book Wuthering Heights is Heathcliff, he was a orphan who lived in Liverpool, we find very little about Heathcliffs past before he is adopted by the Earnshaws, which makes Heathcliff a mysterious character. When Heathcliff comes to live at Wuthering Heights after being adopted by the Earnshaws, he feels displaced as he does not know where to fit in with the family who seem to have tight knit family system. In the beginning†¦show more content†¦Catherine and Heathcliffs friendship could not be broken so they ran away together which shows there great devotion to each, to leave everything for each other. They ended up at Thruscross grange where the Lintons lived; Catherine gets hurt and can not be moved from Thurscross grange. At Thruscross grange she learns how to be a lady. When Catherine returns from Thruscross grange she looks down on Heathcliff but Heathcliff never stops loving her, he decides to clean himself up and make himself look like a gentleman as he feels exiled from the rest of the people at Wuthering Heights and hopes to win Catherines affection once again, Nelly helps him to do this but he is laughed at but Hindly and Edgar, Heathcliff hates Edgar Linton as Edgar is trying to win the affection of Catherine, Edgar and Heathcliff have very different personalities as Heathcliff is full of passion and seen as a rebel but Edgar is a cold and civilized man. Heathcliff also doesnt like Edgar as he doesnt think of himself as equal to him as he didnt come from money , like Edgar did and thinks Edgar is more desirable because of his status, Heathcliff hates Edgar for all he has, good looks, money, status and for being a gentle man, Heathcliff doesnt feel he is any of these due to his own insecurities. Heathcliff says to Nelly But, Nelly, if I knocked him down twenty times, thatShow MoreRelatedThe Juxtaposition Between Nature and Man in Wuthering Heights1318 Words   |  6 PagesSet at the end of the eighteenth century, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà « is a mysterious book that maintains the reader on the edge of their seat as Brontà « explores the dark side of love, revenge, and the juxtaposition between nature and man. But had Wuthering Heights been set in another time period, many situations-from Heathcliff’s arrival to the Earnshaw family to the union of Hareton and Cathy-may not have occurred. It should also be noted that many events consisted of an eerie, strange feelRead MoreEssay on Hareton vs. Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights1076 Words   |  5 PagesWuthering Heights is a book written by Emily Bronte, which consists of many static and dynamic characters. Its characters are oftentimes hard to decipher from one another, whether it be their names are similar, start with the same letter, or a re the same name entirely. Wuthering Heights is about many issues of Bronte’s time, such as racism and class, through a love triangle between a free-spirited woman, a rich, well-mannered man, and a poor, discriminated man. Their love triangle outlives them andRead More Comparison of Thrusscross Grange and Wuthering Heights Essay764 Words   |  4 Pagesand Wuthering Heights Never have two more opposing places existed than Thrusscross Grange and Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is a dwelling characterized by fiery emotions, primal passions, bitter vengeance, and blatant evil. Thrushcross Grange is a peaceful, beautiful abode which epitomizes all that is good and lovely. Emily Bronte includes these two places in the Romantic novel, Wuthering Heights, to create a contrast which furthers the overall theme of good vs. evil. Wuthering HeightsRead MoreWuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange - Contrast Essay790 Words   |  4 Pagesopposing places existed than Thrusscross Grange and Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is a dwelling characterized by fiery emotions, primal passions, bitter vengeance, and blatant evil. Thrushcross Grange is a peaceful, beautiful abode which epitomizes all that is good and lovely. Emily Bronte includes these two places in the Romantic novel, Wuthering Heights, to create a contrast which furthers the overall theme of good vs. evil. br brWuthering Heights is a house set high upon a hill where is exposedRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1099 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Wuthering Heights† is the epitome of classical literature written by Emily Bronte in 1847. This masterpiece unfolds the story of two lovers, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff and how their intense love for each other succumbed to revenge. The novel centralises around the theme of revenge throug h the use of gothic elements. Gothic Literature and is a combination of fiction, horror and romanticism. Wuthering Heights effectively employs gothic literature elements to emphasis the characters, plotRead More Wuthering Heights Heathcliff Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesWuthering Heights Heathcliff Wuthering Heights centres on the story of Heathcliff. The first paragraph provides a vivid physical picture of him, as Lockwood describes how his black eyes withdraw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwoods approach. Nellys story begins with his introduction into the Earnshaw family. His vengeful desire to do evil and his love for Catherine drive the entire plot. Heathcliff, however, defies being understood and it is difficult for the reader to resistRead More A Different Perspective of Heathcliff866 Words   |  4 Pagesoften prevails and becomes a hero. The challenges, which the character undergoes, allows the reader to appreciate the character due to their bravery, courage, and their willingness to sacrifice. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà «, many readers are able to view Heathcliff as a hero, but how? Heathcliff is not a traditional hero. In fact, the term Byronic hero, would fit Heathcliff’s description in every aspect. Now, what are the characteristics of a Byronic hero? In order to be classified as a ByronicRead MoreWuthering Heights Victim vs. Victimizer1247 Words   |  5 Pagesplay the role of a victim. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Heathcliff: an outsider brought into the wealthy Earnshaw family, Hindley: the eldest Earnshaw child with a strong dislike for Heathcliff, and Hareton: the orphaned child Heathcliff takes in to raise, are victims, yet they evolve to perpetuate the abuse they suffered. Being able to be or become a victim or victimizer show the complexity of these characters. Emily Bronte manipulates readers to pity Heathcliff, Hindley, and Hareton, in spiteRead MoreEssay about Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte1012 Words   |  5 PagesHeathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte The central conflict in the novel Wuthering Heights written by Emily Bronte is Heathcliff. Heathcliffs internal conflicts affect how all of the other characters interrelate. Heathcliff throughout the book never does anything honorable or dignified. Heathcliff creates whirlwinds of problems by just being present, sometimes, by not even doing a thing. Heathcliffs problems not only the affect the Earnshaws but also their neighbors Edgar IsabellaRead MoreEmily Brontes Wuthering Heights1590 Words   |  7 PagesBronte created a book called Wuthering Heights that was published in 1847. The book has been rejected multiple times by the Victorian readers because of its disturbing, unexplained vision of anarchy and decay (Knoepflmacher). I chose the book Wuthering Heights because it has an interesting name. I never thought the book was narrated by two people and that it had a dramatic romance to it. Also I have notice that there is a large amount of hate towards the character Heathcliff due to his actions towards

Nazeesh Yusef Free Essays

The poem Theme For English B is a really Interesting poem. It’s a bit difficult to understand, but after researching the biological, social, cultural, political, and historical context of this poem It was much easier to understand It. When looking at the cultural context the writer starts by writing his colored It gives a cultural context. We will write a custom essay sample on Nazeesh Yusef or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cultural context lets the readers know who the writer is and where it is coming from. The writer is officer colored is a male and is 22 years old. This poem Theme For English B is about a young student whose professor asks him to write a page about him and that page had to be true. The writer even lists the schools it had been to and how he realizes that he is the only colored student at the school. As looking at the historical context the time this poem was written was in the Jim Crow era where African Americans had difficulty entrance into an elite school than their white peers. Also, in this poem the writer is struggling with the color aspect. The writer is trundling so much that the writer doesn’t even know If It should write Its poem on a white piece of paper or a colored piece of paper. Throughout this poem the writer Is trying to figure himself out with the poem. The cultural context helped me figure this poem out more Is because the whole poem was about the speaker, and what and who the speaker was. It’s easier to understand the poem if you already have found clues about the writer. Almost the whole poem was about the writer and its race and its colored skin. How to cite Nazeesh Yusef, Papers

Alexis De Tocqueville On Religion free essay sample

Examines theories on relationship between religious freedom democracy, political philosophy, public opinion individualism in U.S. in 19th Cent. The focus of this paper is on Alexis de Tocquevilles observations on religion in America and on how he developed them in his thinking about the role that religion can play in defending freedom in a democracy. The paper will consider some possible reasons why he may have been concerned about such questions, as well as why his observations and conclusions continue to be relevant for America today. Biography of Alexis de Tocqueville Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel, Comte de Tocqueville, was born in Paris on July 29, 1805. He was a descendant of a proud Norman family that had been considered to be among the lesser nobility for many centuries. A Clerel had fought with William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. His maternal grandfather, the Marquis of Rosambo, as well as other noble. We will write a custom essay sample on Alexis De Tocqueville On Religion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .

Saturday, May 2, 2020

International Energy Policy Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy

Question: Using the PESTER analytical tool, critically analyse the impact of the Renewable energy policies of any developed economy on any OPEC member states energy policy. Answer: Introduction Renewable energy resources are mainly collected from the resources that are replenished naturally on a human timescale. Renewable energy resources exist over a broad geographical area as compared to the other energy sources. The rapid deployment of the renewable energy results in the considerable energy security as well as mitigation in the climatic change. The increase in the renewable energy legislation is taking place due to the change in the climate and global warming. Energy supply from renewable is an indispensable component of the strategy of every nation. The renewable technologies are suited to rural and remote areas (Ellabban et al. 2014). The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an enduring intergovernmental organization. The main objective of OPEC is to organize and unify the petroleum policies among the member states. The focus has been given on the impact of developed country that has evaluated on the oil producing UAE states for the power generation and the effective use of renewable energy policies (Moran 2015). Discussion UAE has become a key player in clean technologies, thus funding large-scale renewable energy projects. The hydrocarbon market in UAE is undergoing the most noticeable change with subsidiary effects for renewable energy. The UAE is one of the largest hydrocarbon reserve holders in the world. The UAE is also the third largest exporter of oil in the world (Jamil et al. 2016). In UAE, the high per capita consumption of oil and gas is mostly due to the low cost of production and the domestic pricing. The UAE also shares a common interest with the UK in the environmental matters. The UK and UAE are also to work together to enhance the future generation. Abu Dhabi is leading the renewable drive with a target to obtain 7 percent of its energy from renewable by the year 2020. Abu Dhabi is also the home to the Global Renewable Energy Agency. UAE has also organized a number of innovative renewable energy projects all through the country. With the help of Masdar, UAE has also become the major investor in the renewable energy projects in the UK ( 2015). The UK has been blessed with a wealth of renewable energy resources. The scope of the energy policy includes the distribution and the production of electricity and natural gas. According to the reports, there have been a number of changes to renewable energy policies during the year 2015 and 2016. The UK has a target to source 15 percent of final energy consumption from renewable energy by the year 2020. Under the EU Renewable Energy Directive, the UK exceeded the provisional target of the year 2013/2014 with a 6.3 percent share of renewable. On the other hand, UK will meet the 2020 target as per the European Commission 2015 Renewable Energy Directive report (Batel and Devine Wright 2016). In the UK, almost 25 percent of electricity was generated from renewable. This resulted in the rise of almost 30 percent from 19 percent in the year 2014. The recent significant change in the renewable energy policy instruments in the UK will have an impact on the level of deployment. Renewable Obligation (RO) is the part of the UK renewable energy policy that was announced by the government in the year 2015. However, later it was announced that RO would be closed by the year 2016 for new PV projects of a capacity of five MW. The RO was mainly closed for the onshore installation of wind from the year 2016. However, it was onshore installation of wind was planned in the year 2017 but was commenced by 2016 (Bunn and Yusupov 2015). Contract-for-Difference (CFD) replaced the RO. The first allocation of CFD was initiated in the year 2014 and the results were announced in the year 2015. Although, the second round for the allocation was scheduled for the year 2015 it was cancelled. Later, in the month of November 3 CFD rounds were announced to take place in the year 2020 (Onifade 2016). The small-scale renewable electricity installations were supported by Feed-in tariffs (FITs). According to the reports, in the recent year there has a rapid consumption of solar PV due to attractive support tax. The government became worried about the increasing cost of the scheme. As a result, the government implemented tariff cuts of 65 percent. The first Feed-in tariff is Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for renewable heat that was introduced globally in the year 2011. Later, the government declared that the RHI scheme would be extended to the 2021. As a result, the budget needs to be increased to 1.15 billion in the year 2021 (Cherrington et al. 2013). The recent change in the policy was mainly aimed to diminish the expenditure that was generated by the renewable energy support program. The policy changes also aimed at creating a policy framework that allows for a better cost and capacity control. This will in turn help to reduce the electricity bills of the customers (Smeed 2016). The PESTEL Analysis is a framework that is used to monitor the macro-environmental factors that has an impact on the organization. The essay will provide an overview about the impact of the Renewable energy policies of the UK on UAEs energy policy. Political factors are the long-term decline in the oil and gas fortune in the UK has led to the increase in the import of oil and gas. As a result, the UK needs to compete in the world market for its oil and gas requirements. On the other hand, renewable energy has become inexpensively attractive in the oil-rich United States of Arab. The UK thus needs to maintain a good relationship with UAE to fulfill its energy resources requirements. The supply of the energy resources in the UK can become a political issue in the future. The UAE also has the most ambitious renewable energy program. Hence, the UK can establish the Contract-for-Difference with UAE in order to get low cost benefits of energy resources (Yusuf et al. 2014). The drastic rise in the rate of unemployment in the UK is one of the most important economic factors that led to the decline in the consumption of energy. The energy prices also increased rapidly and as a result, the rate of inflation increased. In UAE, the waste-to-energy conversion has become profitable with natural gas prices above USD 8 per million British thermal units. Hence, the development has provided economic reasons for UAE to accelerate the development of renewable energy. The renewable energy is economically attractive in the UAE. In UAE, the increase in price of the natural gas and the decrease in the cost of renewable energy are the key drivers (Bosmans et al. 2013). The social factor that is militating the development of the renewable energy project is the problem in getting the planning permission. The renewable energy is considered as the solution to the climatic changes in the world. The UK and UAE needs to form an association of the Contract-for-Difference, with the help of which the UK will be able to affect UAE with the renewable resources. The UAE provides a strong support of its commitment in order to deliver the renewable energy and carbon reduction targets. The technological factors deal with the growing demand of the renewable energy that generates a need for the individuals with appropriate skills. The key stakeholders in the oil and the gas industry are the key player that leads to the development of the renewable energy sector. The company in the UK employs the latest technology and the skilled workers that leads to the technological development in the renewable energy resource (Kern et al. 2014). The environmental factor is that the success of the renewable energy is always questioned by its scope. However, UAE seems to be progressive on clean energy. The UAE leaders had announced a partnership with the UK to tackle the energy scarcity in the developing world. The Green code regulations developed by DEWA and Dubai Municipality aims at reducing the electrical energy. A project known as the Wind for Prosperity project will offer a carbon-free electricity. The carbon-free electricity will be mostly provided to the country that mostly uses the expensive diesel generators for power (Rakhshan et al. 2013). The legal factors that affect are the administrative obstacles in the form of protection zone. It is relatively low feed-in-tariffs. In the UK, the energy laws mainly govern the use as well as the taxation of energy. According to the UK renewable energy strategy, the electricity produced in 2015-2016 has been 25 percent, which has been more than its quota. The energy laws mainly includes the legal stipulation for oil, gas etc. The UAE also has some laws that are concerned with the energy mainly oil and gas law. As per the law, all the oil and gas wealth belongs to the government (Devine-Wright 2014). The government is also undertaking the renewable energy projects in UAE in order to free up oil and gas for export. This is also been done to meet the increasing demand of power and water. As per the reports, the UAE is one of the biggest renewable markets in the world. The UAE is also known to have a strong exposure to the unfavorable impact of the anthropogenic climate change. Hence, there is a strong demand for water in UAE. As a result, there will be a demand for electricity that will be mostly generated by the UK. A survey was conducted by electric utility week and it was found that today most of the customers are facing problem due to the high cost of energy (Al-Amir and Abu-Hijleh 2013). Both the UK and UAE had signed a fund mutually of 1 million for the purpose of research into renewable energy policy. The International Renewable Energy Association has established itself as an international base for energy knowledge in the year 2010. International Renewable Energy Association will act as a clearinghouse on the obtainable renewable energy technologies. The renewable policy that could be best suited for the renewable energy policy will be a mix policy system of FITs and Contract-for-Difference (CfD) creating Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for the UAE (Tolba 2013). The UAE is also facing the first-ever shortage of low cost gas and consequently, UAE has been able to produce related gas for less than 2/MBtu3. Electricity demand in the UAE displays a robustly seasonal consequence due to the transform in ambient temperature and humidity. The power markets in the UAE are mostly described by the cogeneration for desalination. Conclusion It can be concluded that UAE is the third largest exporter of oil in the world and as a result. The renewable energy policies on present situation will help the UK to achieve its 2030 target and it will also create environment for UAE in power generation for all the member states. In UAE, the rise in price of the natural gas and the decrease in the cost of renewable energy are the major drivers. It has been found that the renewable energy has become inexpensively attractive in the oil-rich United States of Arab. References Al-Amir, J. and Abu-Hijleh, B., 2013. Strategies and policies from promoting the use of renewable energy resource in the UAE.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,26, pp.660-667. Batel, S. and Devine Wright, P., 2016. 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